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AVR Studio 中 STK500 处理熔丝位有巨大的优势:它是以功用组合让用户装备。


1. 有用防止因不熟悉熔丝位让芯片锁死 (这是初学者的恶梦)

2. 不需要靠回忆与查文档,就能装备熔丝位(这也是初学者的恶梦)这是咱们网站为何引荐运用STK500下载器的又一原因。

操作界面如下: (留意:下图中,打勾的表明选中,代表0。没有打勾的表明1)。


On-Chip Debug Enabled; [OCDEN=0]
JTAG Interface Enabled; [JTAGEN=0]
Serial program downloading (SPI) enabled; [SPIEN=0]
Preserve EEPROM memory through the Chip Erase cycle; [EESAVE=0]
Boot Flash section size=128 words Boot start address=$1F80; [BOOTSZ=11]
Boot Flash section size=256 words Boot start address=$1F00; [BOOTSZ=10]
Boot Flash section size=512 words Boot start address=$1E00; [BOOTSZ=01]
Boot Flash section size=1024 words Boot start address=$1C00; [BOOTSZ=00] ; default value
Boot Reset vector Enabled (default address=$0000); [BOOTRST=0]
CKOPT fuse (operation dependent of CKSEL fuses); [CKOPT=0]
Brown-out detection level at VCC=4.0 V; [BODLEVEL=0]
Brown-out detection level at VCC=2.7 V; [BODLEVEL=1]
Brown-out detection enabled; [BODEN=0]
Ext. Clock; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0000 SUT=00]
Ext. Clock; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0000 SUT=01]
Ext. Clock; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0000 SUT=10]
Int. RC Osc. 1 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0001 SUT=00]
Int. RC Osc. 1 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0001 SUT=01]
Int. RC Osc. 1 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0001 SUT=10]; default value
Int. RC Osc. 2 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0010 SUT=00]
Int. RC Osc. 2 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0010 SUT=01]
Int. RC Osc. 2 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0010 SUT=10]
Int. RC Osc. 4 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0011 SUT=00]
Int. RC Osc. 4 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0011 SUT=01]
Int. RC Osc. 4 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0011 SUT=10]
Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=00]
Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=01]
Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=10]
Ext. RC Osc. – 0.9 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0101 SUT=00]
Ext. RC Osc. – 0.9 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0101 SUT=01]
Ext. RC Osc. – 0.9 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0101 SUT=10]
Ext. RC Osc. – 0.9 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0101 SUT=11]
Ext. RC Osc. 0.9 MHz – 3.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0110 SUT=00]
Ext. RC Osc. 0.9 MHz – 3.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0110 SUT=01]
Ext. RC Osc. 0.9 MHz – 3.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0110 SUT=10]
Ext. RC Osc. 0.9 MHz – 3.0 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0110 SUT=11]
Ext. RC Osc. 3.0 MHz – 8.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0111 SUT=00]
Ext. RC Osc. 3.0 MHz – 8.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0111 SUT=01]
Ext. RC Osc. 3.0 MHz – 8.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0111 SUT=10]
Ext. RC Osc. 3.0 MHz – 8.0 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0111 SUT=11]
Ext. RC Osc. 8.0 MHz – 12.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1000 SUT=00]
Ext. RC Osc. 8.0 MHz – 12.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1000 SUT=01]
Ext. RC Osc. 8.0 MHz – 12.0 MHz; Start-up time: 18 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1000 SUT=10]
Ext. RC Osc. 8.0 MHz – 12.0 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1000 SUT=11]
Ext. Low-Freq. Crystal; Start-up time: 1K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1001 SUT=00]
Ext. Low-Freq. Crystal; Start-up time: 1K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1001 SUT=01]
Ext. Low-Freq. Crystal; Start-up time: 32K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1001 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1010 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1010 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1010 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1010 SUT=11]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1011 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1011 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1011 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1011 SUT=11]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1100 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1100 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1100 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1100 SUT=11]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1101 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1101 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1101 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1101 SUT=11]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1110 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1110 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1110 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1110 SUT=11]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 1K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1111 SUT=00]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=1111 SUT=01]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1111 SUT=10]
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=1111 SUT=11]




On-Chip Debug Enabled 片内 调试 使能
JTAG Interface Enabled JTAG 接口 使能
Serial program downloading (SPI) enabled 串行编程下载(SPI) 使能 (ISP下载时该位不能修正)
Preserve EEPROM memory through the Chip Erase cycle; 芯片擦除时EEPROM的内容保存
Boot Flash section size=xxxx words 引导(Boot)区巨细为xxx个词
Boot start address=$yyyy; 引导(Boot)区开端地址为 $yyyy
Boot Reset vector Enabled 引导(Boot)、复位 向量 使能
Brown-out detection level at VCC=xxxx V; 掉电检测的电平为 VCC=xxxx 伏
Brown-out detection enabled; 掉电检测使能
Start-up time: xxx CK + yy ms 发动时刻 xxx 个时钟周期 + yy 毫秒
Ext. Clock; 外部时钟
Int. RC Osc. 内部 RC(阻容) 振动器
Ext. RC Osc. 外部 RC(阻容) 振动器
Ext. Low-Freq. Crystal; 外部 低频 晶体
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Low Freq 外部晶体/陶瓷振动器 低频
Ext. Crystal/Resonator Medium Freq 外部晶体/陶瓷振动器 中频
Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq 外部晶体/陶瓷振动器 高频

注:以上中文是对照 ATmega16的中、英文版别数据手册而翻译。尽量按照了官方的中文术语。


比方咱们想运用片内的RC振动(即不需要接晶振),能够挑选挑选下面三者之一: Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 0 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=00] Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=01] Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time: 6 CK + 64 ms; [CKSEL=0100 SUT=10]比方咱们想运用外部7.3728M晶振,能够挑选挑选下面三者之一: Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.; Start-up time: 258 CK + 4 ms; [CKSEL=1110 SUT=00] 或后边与Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq.;…. 有关的挑选。





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